
Critical Introduction

Dataset & Codebook (Codebook is the third sheet on the bottom of the file.) Opening Remarks This critical introduction functions as a preliminary document on the goals, aims, and potentials (both possibilities and challenges) associated with my research dataset, tentatively titled “Binge-Watching, Audience(s), & The Body.” In this initi...

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Abstract Title: Binge-watching, Audience Participation, and Effects on the Body Abstract: The dataset, as it stands, will be a collection of tweets referencing the viewership practice of binge-watching television serials. The project will use the Twitter keyword search feature and the following keyword data: binge, binge watch, and bingeing. Th...

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Lab Notebook 6

Google Sheets Copy of Visual-Style-Shot-Data Introduction Throughout the course of this post, I will provide a critical commentary on the visual-style-shot-data dataset accompanying Taylor Arnold, Lauren Tilton, and Annie Berke’s “A Visual Style in Two Network Sitcoms”. The first half of this post will function as an observational outline of th...

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Lab Notebook 5

Lab Notebook 5 Questions 1-5 What do you notice about how this function has split the string “Okay, okay, ladies, now let’s get in formation, cause I slay”? What has it done that isn’t quite right, and why has it done this? Write down your response in your notes document. This regular expression is isolating all non-alphabetic char...

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Lab Notebook 4

Lab Notebook 4 Questions 1-5 How does this change the word cloud, and what are these changes telling you? Removing the auto-detected stopwords allows common prepositions and articles to populate the word cloud. This includes words such as “and”, “the”, and so on. These words are commonly used in the English language but are, genera...

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Lab Notebook 3

Lab Notebook 3 RegEx Expressions and Commentary In this section I will detail the variety of approaches I took to cleaning the initial data. Specifically, I will work through two specific attempts. The first attempt is a longer and more tedious use of the RegEx system. In the second approach, with the assistance of Professor Thomas, we were able...

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Lab Notebook 2

Post45 HathiTrust Dataset Exploration Notes Part 1: Spreadsheet Woes I will begin this section by explicating the information provided in the relevant links below (specifically, Post 1945 HathiTrust Database) and the rationale motivating the presentation of the two pivot tables. Relevant Links: Personal Post 1945 HathiTrust Spreadsheet Per...

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Lab Notebook 1

Lab Notebook Entry 1 Github and Markdown: Or, How I learned to Stop Worrying and Love Github I have experience working with Markdown editors, specifically Obsidian (which I am using to type this entry). But, I have no experience working with Github. I read and watched several tutorials on working with Github and spent some time toying with Githu...

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